The WILD DIE Podcast Community Project

Hello fellow Savages and loyal Wild Die podcast listeners.

Guess what? Our community project is finally completed and ready to be released and shared with you all.

This all started on episode 8 of the Wild Die, when Jaime Pierson, Blaine Wagner and Eric Lamoureux were discussing how easy it would be to create a home brew setting with the Savage Worlds rule set, all the way back on July 17th 2016. That's almost 18 months ago, when Jaime was still the host and Eric had just begun co-hosting. And Blaine was back from Alasksa for only a short while before returning to the great white North.

It took a while because life has a tendency to get in the way, plus the fact that many of us are in different time zones and have different other projects going on at the same time. Scheduling the various tasks and getting them together was a little more arduous. But we managed to finish it and the final product looks really good, if I do say so myself.

''Bullets over Frisco Bay'' unfolds, as the name implies, in the city of San Francisco in the summer of 1976. The product also includes maps made by Frank Turfler, table tents by Manuel Sambs and even a file you can use for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. 

Of course you'll need the Savage Worlds Deluxe core rule book, a set of polyhedral dice, a standard deck of cards and tokens to use as bennies, in order to run the game.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing, drawing and working on this scenario. I certainly learned a few things about putting together a role-playing product. It was not as easy as it seemed, more work than anticipated, but more enjoyable than I thought.

Please tell us what you think of it and if you did run the scenario, let us know how it went.

And a big THANK YOU to my fellow Nerds for your great contribution of time and effort. Eric Lamoureux, Eli Kurtz, Richard Woolcock, Matt Stark, Karlen Kendrik, Frank Turfler, Manuel Sambs, and John Steve. We finally made it, now let us never talk about this process ever again. 😉

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On another note, keep your eyes open for a new Podcast's big debut this month. My good friends Chris ''Zszree'' Holmes and Tony ''Azzmodeus'' Fanning will be hosting the ''Finding the Narrative'' podcast which will focus on the new generic Genesys RPG system.

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You can always reach me for ideas, suggestions or comments at

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This blog is proud to be associated with the Nerds-International Gaming Network.

Check them out on the Google+ community 

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 - The RPG Brewery, for interviews with guests, as well as product reviews, etc.

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    - The Wild Die podcast, for all things about Savage Worlds.


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