
Showing posts from November, 2019

Random Encounter!

A sweet Amazon find! Hey, hey! Look at what I found by chance on Amazon this morning. I was shopping for something completely different but discovered this Area of Effect template. It includes Cube and Radius AoE as well as a 15ft cone and a D12 random direction indicator. Pretty cool for those popular D20 systems.  Link: Byhoo Spell AOE Damage Marker  If the link doesn't work: look for: ''Byhoo Spell AOE Damage Marker D&D Area Effect Template'' on Amazon. Also found these two boxed set of Dry/Wet Erase map tiles. Both sets are reversible. One is Forest/Stone and the other a generic blank White/Parchment. And both also have ''dungeon'' objects. Links: The Master's Atlas (Grass/Stone) The Master's Atlas (Blank/Parchment) If the link doesn't work: look for: ''The Master's Atlas (Blank/Parchment)'' and ''The Master's Atlas (Grass/Stone)'' on Amazon.